career memos

Goal Setting for 2021

December 23, 2020

Definitely take the time to wind down, but also get ready for 2021. Listen to the episode now on Career Memos.

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I'm Sarina.

I equip Gen Z and Millenials with the career tools they need to succeed.


I am a firm believer in winding down at the end of the year and making sure that you have ample time to recharge. But at the same time, I also get that you may be thinking, “2021 is around the corner Sarina, I have to start thinking about my goals!”

If you fall into that camp, today’s episode of Career Memos is for you. We’re going to talk about the art and science of goal-setting and how you can create concrete, achievable goals for 2021 using my super simple framework.

Tune in now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts.


Decide on one big goal.

You may be an aggressive goal setter with 10, 12, or even 20 goals you’re dying to achieve, but having too many goals can lead to a scattered approach with no clear focus.

Take a moment and think about one big goal you want to focus on achieving next year. Think of this goal as your North Star.

If you’re a creative job-seeker craving the adrenaline rush of moving to a new city, perhaps your goal is to secure a new PR role in Austin, or New York City. Or maybe you’re pivoting careers and your mission is to try something completely new.

Are you a solopreneur? Set an empowering revenue goal.

Identify your why, your how, and most importantly, your when

Why do you want to achieve this goal? What is the why behind it? And how will you get there?

Create a list of the steps you need to take to accomplish this goal. Whether it’s fine-tuning your project management skills, reading five books, or coming up with a new product offering that’ll help you scale, a good brainstorming session on this will be valuable. 

Your when is mission critical. Setting a date and giving time sensitivity to your goal gives you accountability and something to march toward.

Saying you’ll achieve something in 2021 is too general and not specific enough. Make sure your date is aggressive but achievable.

Set quarterly goals

Using the SMART goals framework will ensure your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

I love using this framework for quarterly goals to keep me on track throughout the year while I still have my pie-in-the-sky bigger goal to work towards.

Once you’ve identified your big goal and have quarterly goals mapped out, the next step is to define your key milestones.

Distill your quarterly goals into key milestones and tasks

Let’s say you have a goal to interview with 5 companies by March 2021. A key milestone could be networking with 20 companies, or booking your first three interviews.

What’s the difference between a goal and a milestone? A goal defines your destination, where a milestone will help you track your progress towards the destination.

The moment you start breaking this down, it will become clear what you need to do next. 

And while you’re on the path to getting there, don’t be afraid to start saying no. Make choices that prioritize your goal and what’s important to you. Sometimes that may mean skipping out on a girl’s night so you can work on your business or revamp your resume.

I’m excited to hear what you want to achieve in 2021! 


“The power of focus is incredibly important. You should have one North Star you’re working towards.”


Episode 1: The One Thing You Should Do Right Now to Prepare For Your Next Big Career Move

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Your Podcast Host and Career Coach

Over the last 12+ years, I’ve done everything from work as a global human rights activist to lead marketing & partnerships initiatives at companies like Postmates and Apple. I’ve started businesses, lived in multiple cities around the world, pivoted careers more than once, and know what it takes to turn career goals into a reality. As a career coach & consultant, I’m passionate about sharing all that I’ve learned with you, helping you define tangible goals, and providing you with the tools and direct feedback you need to achieve them.

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